miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

ENGLISH 1 BACHILLERATO--Answers to the chart exercise

Hello, boys.

Here are the answers to the 'Dubai Gold Sales 2002' exercise:

1. were
2. increased slightly
3. rising sharply
4. declined
4. a low point
5. sudden
6. doubled
7. from
8. drop
9. recovered
10. remained
11. to


ENGLISH 3 ESO--Revision for Term exam

Hello, boys.

Here are the links to all the revision activities we have done this week:

- Phrasal verb chart:

- Blank: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fdi6zfksd45xv3/Revision%5BPhrasalVerbs%5D.docx?dl=0
- With answers:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/unyxhh2561vq442/Revision%5BPhrasalVerbs%2BAnswers%5D.docx?dl=0

- Personality Pasapalabra:

- General vocabulary revision PowerPoint:

Use them well!


jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

ENGLISH 1 BTO--Vocabulary UNIT 7

Hello, boys.

Here is the vocabulary list in case anyone misplaces it or needs to print it again:


And also a compilation of the vocabulary we've been working on for the last couple of weeks:


I hope it helps.


martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

AIN 2 BACHILLERATO--International companies project

Dear students,

Here are the guidelines for the project on international companies in case anyone misplaces it.


And here are the dates:

Monday 5th October: Diego Álvarez, Jaime Antón, Pablo Babé
Tuesday 6th October: Miguel Bermudo, Gerardo Cinelli, Pablo Escuredo
Thursday 8th October: Jorge Fernández-Coppel, Pablo García, Nicolás Granados
Friday 9th October: Luis de Gregorio, Luis Lazaga, Juan Marín
Tuesday 13th October: Nicolás Martín-Martín Gamero, Willy Rodríguez, Santiago Rodríguez
Thursday 15th October: Manuel Rubiales, César Tranche, Diego del Valle, (if there is time) Javier Villanueva (if not, Friday 16th)


domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

AIN 2 BACHILLERATO--Life at Google Vocabulary

Dear students,

Here is the vocabulary list for the "Life at Google" video:


I hope it helps.


ENGLISH 3ESO--Vocabulary check 1

Hello, boys.

Here is the PowerPoint we used for our vocabulary check on Friday. The first link is the PowerPoint with the questions and the second one includes the answers too (in case you want to use it to revise).

Questions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcwwn7xa4ltca9r/VocabularyCheck1.pptx?dl=0
Questions + answers:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/ac10tipcrdkejrm/VocabularyCheck1%5B%2BAnswers%5D.pptx?dl=0

I hope these help.


ENGLISH 3ESO--Course presentation and rules

Hello, boys.

Here is the course presentation as we discussed it on the first day.

