miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

ENGLISH 1 BACHILLERATO--Answers to the chart exercise

Hello, boys.

Here are the answers to the 'Dubai Gold Sales 2002' exercise:

1. were
2. increased slightly
3. rising sharply
4. declined
4. a low point
5. sudden
6. doubled
7. from
8. drop
9. recovered
10. remained
11. to


ENGLISH 3 ESO--Revision for Term exam

Hello, boys.

Here are the links to all the revision activities we have done this week:

- Phrasal verb chart:

- Blank: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fdi6zfksd45xv3/Revision%5BPhrasalVerbs%5D.docx?dl=0
- With answers:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/unyxhh2561vq442/Revision%5BPhrasalVerbs%2BAnswers%5D.docx?dl=0

- Personality Pasapalabra:

- General vocabulary revision PowerPoint:

Use them well!


jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015