jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

3 ESO--Preparing for Vocabulary Task I

Hello, boys.

As we said in class today, the following is included in your Vocabulary task on Monday:

1. Al the vocabulary on your lists.
2. Phrasal verbs. You have them on the lists but it would be a good idea to study them all in one go. You can find them all on pages 9 (Unit 1) and 21 (Unit 2)
3. Make and do. You should study this from the chart you copied in your copybooks.
4. Irregular verbs: sections A, B and C.

Once you have studied all of this, you can use the following PowerPoints to revise:




**The first part of PowerPoint 1 and 2 is the same but, even if some of the words are repeated, keep going as not all of them are the same and you will see that the second revision includes make and do as well as the irregular verbs.

I hope all of this helps.

Study (but also rest!) during the weekend.


1 BACHILLERATO--Writing I materials

Dear students,

Here's the link to the outline we have used in class to prepare for your Writing Task tomorrow.



lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

2 BACHILLERATO--Exam Revision

Dear students,

For the benefit of those who were taking today's revision seriously, here is the link to the PowerPoint:


**Travelling expressions such as "in the lap of luxury"are not all included in the PPT but they are important, so please make sure you know them.

In case anyone has lost any of the vocabulary handouts, here are the links to those too.




That will be all.

Happy revising!


sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016